Refereed 159 Papers:

resolved referee [gif] by henrique barone on Dribbble




Refree Soccer Whistle by Saher Wafai Azer on Dribbble


1* (or unrated) ABS List: (54)

Applied Economics Letters (1),

Asian Development Review (1),

China: An International Journal (1),

Econometrics (3),

Econometrics and Statistics (3),

Economics and Business Letters (1),

Economic Change and Restructuring (1),

Empirica (1),

Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (1),

Eurasian Business Review (1),

Europhysics Letters (1), 

Financial Innovation (1),

Fractal Fract (1),

Global Business and Economics Review (1),

Health Economics Review (2),

Heliyon (1),

Journal of Applied Statistics (1),  

Journal of Economic Sciences and Applied Research (1),

Journal of Economics and Finance (1),

Journal of Economics and Statistics (2), 

Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity (1),

Journal of International Risk and Financial Management (1),

Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity (1),

Journal of Probability and Statistics (1),

Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation (1),

International Economics (3),

International Journal of Accounting and Finance (1),

International Journal of Banking, Finance and Accounting (1),

International Journal of Financial Engineering and Risk Management (1),

International Journal of Financial Studies (1),

International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance (2),

International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling (1),

Mathematics (1)

Open Journal of Statistics (1),

Plos One (1),

Research in Globalization (1),

Risks (3),

Review of Finance and Banking (1),

The Singapore Economic Review (1),

South Eastern Europe Journal of Economics (1),

Statistical Papers (3)

Referee Gif - IceGif
