Conference Presentations


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(1) 25th CRETE Conference,

Naxos, Greece, July

(2) Financial Econometrics Conference,

Heidelberg University, April

 (3) 32nd SNDE Annual Symposium,

University of Texas, March

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(1) 24th CRETE Conference,

Naxos, Greece, July

(2) RCEA Conference in

Economics, Econometrics and Finance,

Brunel University London, May


(1) 17th CFE Conference,

HTW Berlin,

University of Applied Sciences, December

(2) 23rd CRETE Conference,

Naxos, Greece, July



(1) 16th CFE Conference,

King’s College, UK, December

(2) 22nd CRETE Conference,

Tinos, Greece, July

(3) VIECO, Vienna-Copenhagen

Conference on Financial Econometrics,

Copenhagen, June

(4) Fifth Vienna Workshop on

High-Dimensional Time Series in

Macroeconomics and Finance,

Institute for Advanced Studies,

Vienna, June

(5) 29th SNDE Annual Symposium,

Virtual, March

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(1) 15th CFE Conference,

King’s College, UK, December

(2) 19th CRETE Conference,

Naxos, Greece, July




(1) 19th CRETE Conference,

Naxos, Greece, July

(2) 1st Conference on

Economics and FinTech,

Athens, April

(3) 6th International Conference on

Applied Theory, Macro and Empirical Finance,

University of Macedonia, Greece, April

(4) 89th International Atlantic

Economic Society Conference,

Rome, March

All cancelled due to COVID



(1) 10th Conference of the

Financial Engineering and Banking Society,

University of West Attica, Athens, December

(2) 18th CRETE Conference,

Tinos, Greece, July

(3) 5th International Conference on

Applied Theory, Macro and Empirical Finance,

University of Macedonia, Greece, April

(4) 27th Annual Symposium of the SNDE,

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Texas, March

(5) 2nd Conference on Data Science and Social Research,

University of Milano, Bicocca, January

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(1) 12th CFE Conference,

University of Pisa, December

(2) 26th SNDE Annual Symposium,

KeioTokyo, March

(3) 4th International Conference on

Applied Theory, Macro and Empirical Finance,

University of Macedonia, Greece, April

(4) 17th CRETE Conference,

Tinos, Greece, July


(1) 25th SNDE Annual Symposium,

Paris, March

(2) 4th SEM, Boston, USA, July

(3) 16th CRETE Conference,

Milos, Greece, July

(4) 11th CFE, Senate House,

University of London, December


(1) Final RASTANEWS Workshop,

University Cattolica Milan, Milan, January

(2) 24th Annual Symposium of the SNDE,

University of Alabama, Alabama, March

(3) 3rd IAAE Conference,

University of Milano Bicocca, Milan, Italy, June

(4) 15th C.R.E.T.E Conference

Tinos, Greece, July

(5) 69th ESEM Conference,

University of Geneva, Geneva,

Switzerland, August

6) 10th CFE, University of Seville,

Seville, Spain, December

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(1) I organized a session in the

9th CFE, Senate House,

University of London, December 2015:



(2) 2nd RASTANEWS Conference,

University of Milano Bicocca, March

(3) 23rd SNDE Annual Symposium,

Oslo, Norway, March

(4) 11th BMRC-QASS Conference,

Brunel University, May

(5) 2nd IAAE Conference,

University of Macedonia, Thessalonika, Greece,

(6) June 14th C.R.E.T.E Conference,

Chania, Crete, Greece, July

(7) 9th CFE Conference,

Senate House, University of London, December

(8) World Finance and Banking Symposium,

Hanoi, Vietnam, December



(1) 1st RASTANEWS Conference,

University of Milano Bicocca, January


(2) 22nd SNDE Annual Symposium,

The City University of New York, April

(3) 10th BMRC-QASS Conference,

Brunel University, May

(4) 2nd ISNPS Conference,

Cadiz, Spain, June (INVITED SESSION)

(5) 1st IAAE Conference, Queen Mary,

University of London, June

(6) 34th ISF Conference,

Rotterdam, Netherlands, June

(7) World Finance Conference,

Venice, July

(8) 13th CRETE Conference,

AUEB, Greece, July

(9) NSVCM Conference, Paderborn,


(10) 68th ESEM Conference,

Toulouse, France, August




(1) 3rd Humboldt–Copenhagen Conference,

Humboldt University, Berlin, March (poster session)

(2) 21st SNDE Annual Symposium,

University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy, March

(3) 9th BMRC-QASS Conference,

Brunel University, May 30th

(4) 8th BMRC-QASS Conference,

Brunel University, May 24th

(5) 12th CRETE Conference,

AUEB, Greece, July

(6) Surrey-Fordham Conference,

University of Surrey, November

(7) 7th CFE Conference, Senate House,

University of London, December

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10th EEFS Conference,

Queen Mary University of London, June

(2 papers; Organised a session on

Finance, Growth and Volatility)


18th SNDE Annual Symposium,

University of Piemonte, Novara, Italy, April

(2 papers)


(1) 4th BMRC-QASS Conference,

Brunel University, London, July

(2) QASS Conference,

Queen Mary University, London, June

(3) 17th SNDE Annual Symposium,

Federal Reserve Bank, Atlanta, April

(2 papers)

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(1) 7th Oxmetrics User Conference,

CASS Business School, London, September

(2) Financial Econometrics and Vast Data Conference,

Oxford-Man Institute, Oxford, September (poster session)

(3) 40th MMF Conference, 

Birkbeck College, London, September

(4) ESRC Econometric Study Group Conference,

University of Bristol, July

(5) 1st SoFie Conference,

Stern Business School,

New York University, June (poster session)

(6) 2nd EMG Conference,

CASS Business School, London, May

(7) 16th SNDE Annual Symposium,

Federal Reserve Bank, San Francisco, April


(1) ESEM Conference,

Budapest, Hungary, August

(2) 27th ISF Conference,

New York, USA, June


(1) 4th Oxmetrics User Conference,

CASS Business School, London, UK, September

(2) ESEM Conference,

Vienna, Austria, August

(3) 26th ISF Conference,

Santander, Spain, June

(4) 3rd AFE Conference,

Samos, Greece, July

(5) 12th CEF Conference, 

Limmasol, Cyprus, June